Creativity, innovation and lifestyle
Made by Spain
ES+ Nº1, 2023/2024
EDITED BY Leading Brands of Spain Forum, Ayala 11, 28001, Madrid, Pho.: 91 426 38 43 / PRESIDENT Sofía Osborne / GENERAL MANAGER Pablo López Gil / COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Lucía del Valle Montero
PRODUCED BY Rice&Core, Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes 690, 08010 Barcelona, Pho.: 93 880 78 78 / MANAGING DIRECTOR Christian De Angelis / EDITORIAL DIRECTION Pilar Riaño / COORDINATION AND EDITING Marta Tamayo / ART DIRECTION Kentaro Terajima
GRAPHIC EDITING Talking Design Studio
PRINTING Gráficas Rey
LEGAL DEPOSIT M-31774-2023
"ES+" is a registered trademark of AMRE that coexists with the trademark of the Spanish Reputation Forum ("Impulsa España").